Gender equality in football

Gender equality in football

Gender equality in football

During 2019, we moved from Vogošća to Semizovac and continued to popularize women’s football in small communities. Regular activities (trainings twice per week/occasional football matches) and beautiful sports equipment were made possible by the German Embassy in Sarajevo.

Preservation of natural heritage

Preservation of natural heritage

Preservation of natural heritage

In the yard of the primary schools in Gora and  Semizovac, we planted native Bosnian apple, pear and cherry trees. For some 5 years, future generations will have a free and healthy meal in these school yards, and we have taught the kids how to preserve natural heritage. The project “Preservation of natural heritage for kids in Semizovac” was supported by the Municipality Vogošća.

Encouragement to gender equality

Encouragement to gender equality

Encouragement to gender equality

With the support of UNDP, we continued to develop women’s football and gender equality in sports. During the nine-month project (2018-2019), we trained twice a week and organized 4 football matches with other women’s football clubs. And we played in our first jerseys.

Awaken Your Ecological Awareness

Awaken Your Ecological Awareness

Awaken Your Ecological Awareness

Equality is important to us, but clean and safe environment also. Through the project “Awaken Your Ecological Awareness” we cleaned garbage from the street near the prime school at Gora, build trashcans, and posted motivational messages for nature conservation. Supported by Schüler Helfen Leben.

Promotion of women’s football in rural areas

Promotion of women’s football in rural areas

Promotion of women’s football in rural areas

Through the project “Promotion of women’s football in rural areas”, at the beginning of 2017, several workshops were held in elementary schools in the Vogošća and Ilijaš areas, and two girls football teams were formed very quickly. The girls of the team NOVA ŽENA from Vogošća and Ilijaš crowned their regular one-year training process with a football match in February 2018 within the jubilee 20th men’s football tournament in Vogošća. This was a unique opportunity to promote women’s football in small communities, with support of Mediterranean Women’s Fund.