Inclusion of young Roma girls in football

Inclusion of young Roma girls in football

Inclusion of young Roma girls in football

During 2023, our commitment to broad inclusion is supported by the organization Mediterranean Women’s Fund through the project “Inclusion of young Roma girls in football”. In addition to the continuous inclusion of young Roma girls from the municipalities Vogošća and Ilijaš, this year we went one step further – we managed to include girls with hijab in our team, who actively participated in workshops, training sessions and football matches together with their friends. Join us and be a part of this inspiring story of equal opportunities and growing together. 

Youth and ecology

Youth and ecology

Youth and ecology

The six-month project “Youth and Ecology” was a big challenge for the young people of our organization, because we had the task of solving the perennial problem of negligent dumping of garbage in the place Gora, in the immediate vicinity of the elementary school. Two months after the end of the project, we can say that we managed to change the consciousness of the local population and save nature from harmful human influences. Made possible by Schüler Helfen Leben.

Football for young Roma girls

Football for young Roma girls

Football for young Roma girls

During 2022, we continued with the inclusion of young Roma girls in the territory of the municipalities Ilijaš and Vogošća. Regular activities during the year (training twice a week, occasional workshops and football matches) were made possible by the organization Schüler Helfen Leben. Additional support for our team came from Unicef ​​through a donation of football boots.

Inclusion of girls with mental disabilities

Inclusion of girls with mental disabilities

Inclusion of girls with mental disabilities

In cooperation with the Association “Budi mi drug” from Ilijaš, we dared to be more inclusive, and we included in our activities girls with mental disabilities. They participated in our regular activities during 2022. The organization Schüler Helfen Leben financially enabled this inclusion, and the girls of our team enabled the members of Association “Budi mi drug” to feel as a part of the team during the project.

Strengthening female leadership in football

Strengthening female leadership in football

Strengthening female leadership in football

As part of the “Football People Action Weeks” anti-discrimination campaign, we analyzed the representation of women in managerial positions in football in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The devastating results of this research inspired us to take action, and we gathered women from BH football (coaches, soccer referees, and players) around a common goal – strengthening female leadership in football. Our young Roma girls were with us, and the first action on the way to greater gender equality in decision-making positions in football was made possible by Fare network.