Our Mission
Protection of women’s rights, especially vulnerable categories of women, and their economic empowerment and social inclusion
Affirmation and inclusion of young people, especially girls and women, in the social life of the community through sports, cultural and other activities
Realization of cooperation with young people in the country and abroad, exchange of experiences and networking and cooperation on projects and programs
Raising the quality of life of young people and creating a stimulating environment for growth, development and active participation through public advocacy and representation of the interests of young people, especially women and girls
Preservation of historical, cultural and natural heritage, and the improvement of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nature preservation
Our Results
1. First grassroots in our municipality
2. First Roma girls inclusion in Sarajevo Canton
3. Over 150 vulnerable girls from rural areas involved in sports and cultural projects
4. Over 50 seminars and other temathic events
1. Gender equality in sport
2. Nature protection
3. Economic empowerment of women
4. Psychosocial support for girls with fewer opportunities
Roma inclusion
Inclusion of girls
with health

Ecumenical Women’s Initiative

UNICEF in Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fare Network

UNFPA in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Deutsche Botschaft Sarajewo

OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Urgent Action Fund

Schuler Helfen Leben BiH Non-Governmental Organization

Federalno ministarstvo kulture i sporta

Mediterranean Women's Fund

Evropska unija u Bosni i Hercegovini

Općina Vogošća